All posts from day posts/2007/10/22.

Too many
Ethan Ethan

Actually, I might have to do some optimization. I'm still getting lag and that's really not so good. Anyhow, have a screen shot..

Just look at that radar..


Posted Mon 22 Oct 2007 10:25:09 PM PDT Tags:
New level
Ethan Ethan

Carl's new idea for healbeam6 is much better than the old one. But the implementation has some issues -- lots and lots of objects. Slowdowns. What fun.

I think I can work around this if need be -- create a new collision class for mines, and don't collide within that category -- but it would be a hack and I'm leaving it for the time being. For now, I'm getting things working. The new level is about half working, I'd say -- most of the stuff is in place, but not all of the events and crap. Plus, I'll need better AI on the enemies. Still, much better than what I had.


Posted Mon 22 Oct 2007 09:30:25 PM PDT Tags:
Last edited Sat 09 Feb 2008 02:22:22 PM PST