All posts from day posts/2007/08/30.

Ethan Ethan

Ha ha, a pun on revelry. Anyhow, healbeam7 is playable. Needs a bunch of work still, but: baby steps. Also I started work on the new healbeam level. Am I gonna want to have objects with an all-geom health? I think that makes the most sense. Also, goals to check that health? Whee.


Posted Thu 30 Aug 2007 09:15:22 PM PDT Tags:
Ethan Ethan

Integrating Carl's art rapid-fire, and working on healbeam7 when I get the chance. Splash damage is implemented in a hack-y way. You can now shoot the bullet down before it explodes and splashes all over you. (It does a lot of damage.) Progress, progress..


Posted Thu 30 Aug 2007 12:08:22 AM PDT Tags:
Last edited Sat 29 Sep 2007 11:10:27 PM PDT