All posts from month posts/2007/01.


0.09 is the first "official" release. It's a very playable demo of the first five levels.

It would be 0.1 except that some art is missing -- level 4 and level 5 are missing backgrounds in some places.

Be aware that it's pretty hard to compile right now; it relies on ODE 0.7 and pyode from svn.

bouncy-0.09.tar.gz -- src tarball -- py2exe'd Windows executable


Posted Wed 17 Jan 2007 04:40:44 PM PST Tags:
Hello world!

Looks like I have what appears to be a website. It's not much right now, but I hope it gets the job done.

Posted Tue 16 Jan 2007 11:11:48 PM PST Tags:
Last edited Fri 10 Aug 2007 09:22:14 PM PDT